Monday, May 25, 2009


Check this out! My gal's on the cover of MY BABY Jul edition. This pic was taken on the first day she's born. See how soundly she zzzz...

(Hehe thanks to Yee Yee, who is ever creative and superb with photo effects)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Delivery Experience

Overall, the delivery experience I had was a pleasant one... not much waiting and not much pain. I took the epidural (painkiller) as advised by some of my friends.. and I guess I only had about an hour of contraction pain before I had the injection. Hubby was with me the whole course. He was reluctant to watch the baby's head appearing at the vaginal opening in the beginning. However the nurse lectured him that he'd regret big time if he miss the delivery process. Well, he witnessed the arrival of our princess at last.. and that was his most unforgettable moment in life!
Thank you Dr. Tang and Kak Nani for delivering our little princess safely to this world!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Little Princess

On 23 May 2009, a new chapter begins where hubby and I celebrate the blissful arrival of our little princess, E-Chia.

Big TuMMy

These are the few pictures I have "showing off" my BIG tummy. Hubby brought me for meal and kai-kai at downtown KL. I was about 32 weeks into pregnancy that time.. My girl was then very active and kicked a lot, especially at night. Oh ya.. she hiccuped(s) too! I remember laying down in bed and would feel this rythmic movement, and at first hubby and I just thought it was her heartbeat. Ahahaha it was so cute though!


It was a short visit to the clinic. Within 10 mins, doctor brought the "proof" (pic) and took down the details i.e. when was the last time I had my period. He then told me the expected due date of my baby. He looked so calm and easy.. I still remember his brief advice:

1. Do not jump

2. Do not fall down

3. Do not smoke or drink alcohol

4. Do not eat papaya

5. Continue with usual diet and lifestyle

It sounded simple but deep in my heart, there were mixed feelings of relief, excited, anxious, contented, disturbed etc all in one! Hubby and I could not describe how gratified we were of having our first precious little one in our life. We knew she'd COMPLETE us....