Monday, August 31, 2009

Shyuan's Full Moon

We arranged a party for little Shyuan at home on 30 Aug. Time flies... she’s now 1 month old already! Cute and ‘loud’ as ever, Shyuan was cheery the whole night. The happiest people would be my parents as they had chance to catch up with relatives and friends again. They are now proud grandparents of FOUR (Yiming, Yifan, E-Chia & Yishyuan). My mother always tells people that our house can be a nursery because the kids are all around during the day. Well, that keeps my lou dao occupied too! Gong gong pampers the kids the most so he's always the no. ONE character in their hearts.
May all be blessed with love, happiness and good health!
Long Life Gong Gong!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

@ Blek Blek Blek @

This is my girl's latest expression. See how playful she is..!! Arrghhh....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flu Flu go away

On 25 Aug, my girl was down with flu (for the first time). She had running nose, sneezing and a little cough. I believe she got the sickness from her cousin brother, who likes to play with her a lot. Then again, I did not want to take risk due to the H1N1 pandemic so she was brought to see doctor. Thank god she's recovering after taking the prescribed medicine. Poor baby... she's just barely 3 months old!

Papa and mimi hope you will be fine and be in pink of health forever!

E-Chia's FULL Moon

This was my first "outing" since born.
Yeah it was my FULL MOON celebration arranged by papa. Papa and mimi invites just family and relatives to share their joy at one famous chinese restaurant in Subang. Although it was a small occasion, mimi has started preparing me one week earlier. She 'ransacked' the clothes drawer hoping to get me a more presentable baju. This was because first, I didnt have much baju that time - I wore mostly koko's old baju; and second, new bajus (if any) given by friends are too big for my tiny little body that time. We settled with one lovely pink dress at last. :D
Mimi and gong gong was also busy packing my stuffs before heading to the restaurant. Stroller, diaper, feeding bottle, cold water, hot water, milk powder, spare outfit, pacifier, wet tissue... you name it.. they're all in my baby bag! It was just a few hours event but mimi took as much time as she prepares for a usual 2-day trip.
Well, a note to end with.. my full moon dinner was full of LOVE, FUN & LAUGHTERS!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Precious Gifts @--,'-------

A big THANK YOU to gong gong, ah ma, yee yee, ah tio, uncle, aunty, koko & jie jie for all the lovely gifts!

~~Baby E-Chia~~

Sweetie @ 12 weeks

Coming to the third month, you are starting to SMILE a lot... It's such an enjoyment looking at you at all times. Mimi will start working soon so cant spend much time playing with you already, my love. But mimi will not neglect you and will definitely continue to witness each milestone you achieve in your growing years. Be strong, be happy and be ready to face the challenges!! Papa and Mimi will support you all the way...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bubble Time

My girl likes to bathe; she loves to bathe! I guess all babies like playing with water. She kinda look forward to the pom pom session every day. No matter how bad mood she is in, she'll show us great big smiles when we put her in the water. I am glad that I am able to handle her now even at bath. At first I was so scared I would accidentally drop her in the water or hurt her. Well, practice makes perfect and I wanna also thank mama for teaching me to bathe my girl right after my confinement ends!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


There goes my poo poo photos!

Initially papa and mimi let me poo poo in my diaper on the table. It was a little messy and papa wasted lots of tissue those times. Then, ah ma bought a potty for me. I "requested" for a pink colour one but ah ma said the shop didn't have. So she got me a small yellow potty. Hmm... I made sour face at first but later got used to the potty; and poo poo moment is so much FUN thereafter!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Xiao ketot

"Xiao KETOT" is the nick Papa always call you.. just because you're 0.5cm shorter than Shyuan Shyuan Meimei when born. Well, that makes you the shortest among four kids.. (three from my sis)
"Papa dont laugh at me ma... next day I'll become a supermodel! Huh!"

Chubby KoKo

Yifan Koko a.k.a. Chubby likes to disturb me when I sleep. He does not talk but likes to play with me near my cot. Oh that's his baby cot actually when he's small. "Okie dont peep already.. I see you!!.... just let me Zzzzzz ya...."

Big Bro

This is my cousin, Yiming Koko. He's the oldest kid in the family. I dont understand why the adults always scold him, sometimes not even his fault. They blame him for making us, the younger ones cry. In fact he sayang me alot.. he pats me when I cry, calls my name to comfort me and above all, he sings for me!! His song list includes "Blaa Bla Black Sheep", "ABC", "Solar System", "Red Indian" and many more! :D

Red Indian @ 11 weeks

"One little,.. Two little,... Three little Indians,..
Four little... Five little,... Six little Indians,..
Seven little,.. Eight little,.. Nine little Indians,...
Ten little Indian girls!
Ten little,.. Nine little,... Eight little Indians,..
Seven little... Six little,... Five little Indians,..
Four little,.. Three little,.. Two little Indians,...
ONE little Indian GIRL!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

I need to lose WEIGHT!

Well, I must admit that I had a very smooth pregnancy and delivery (thank God).. The only thing I can complain now is perhaps the extra pounds I gained. From the previous 44 kg (during pregnancy 1m+) and now 49 kg (after delivery 2m+), I gotta work hard to shed the extra 5 KGs!!!

PinkPink @ 8 weeks

Hehe... I'm in my favourite PINK outfit. Pity me always wear Koko's bajus and most of them are in blue colour! Can you see how happy and joyful I am this sunny afternoon.

"Yee Yee I'm wearing PINK.. I'm wearing PINK!! Hehehehe... Hehehehehehe"

Cheeky @ 4 weeks

Mimi said I have lots of facial expressions. These are the cheeky ones.. Hehe!

Papa's fav : when I zzz soundly
Mimi's fav : when I make "kelian cong" (pathetic) face


You like this "小Bear Bear" position the most. It never failed to comfort you everytime you 'neng nang' (naughty in Hainanese). Papa pampers you a lot and carry you even though he has severe back pain. E-Chia LOVES Papa!