Monday, September 28, 2009

Botak Head

At week 18, mimi brought me to shave my hair bald. I had very little hair previously, therefore there's not much difference if you can see in the above "before & after" pictures. Hopefully my hair can grow faster from now on. Otherwise mai po (papa's aunty) always comments that I look like a boy boy. Huh!

My beloved Gong Gong

Besides papa and mimi, I spend the most time with gong gong. You can imagine how gong gong sayang me by looking at his kind smile. He carries me without hesitation every time I make noise. Though I have to share gong gong with cousin bros and sis, I dont mind at all because gong gong is ever HAPPY and CHEERY with all of us surrounding him...

~I love gong gong very much!~

(-: Happy Family :-)

See the colour combination for the three of us - all red! (I consider pink in red category too). Well, even though my girl wears soothing pink and not as bright as her papa and mimi,
she's still the **STAR** in our eyes!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Flip over @ 16 weeks

My girl successfully flipped over at 4 months... after many attempts.. finally! Thus we have to keep an eye on her every now and then. A minute ago we could have just placed her at sleeping position in her play pen; minutes after she would be making noise because she's stucked after turning over. She does not know how to turn back yet so would be exhausted supporting herself after some times. Well, the journey has just started.. mimi look forward to seeing you crawl, walk, hop and even run in no time!

Friday, September 18, 2009

You are my SUNSHINE..

You are my Sunshine..
My only Sunshine..
You make me HAPPY
When skies are grey..
You'll never know, dear..
How much I love you..
Please don't take my SUNSHINE away..

Life is amazing with you around, my cutie ChiaChia. Even though it's tough to juggle between work and take care of you at the same time, mimi does not have the slightest thought of sending you away (to babysitter or other care takers). Mimi just wants you to be near, be around and so we could have the greatest bonding on earth...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


This is my first photo session with Shyuan meimei... We share the same mattress and rather similar facial expressions too! Well, I look happier because I just had milk and she hasn't yet... I LOVE meimei and we're gonna be best play mates ever!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Flip Flip.... not over!

I happen to be at home on 11 Sept and witness the below episode... :-)

".... Mimi's here... It's ok sweetheart.. we try again next day ya.. mimi sayang..... :* "
... to be continued

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our 1st family photo

It took me 3+ months to come up with our FIRST family photo.. shame on me! This is partly due to either papa or mimi holding the camera and partly due to me not properly "dressed" at home. Those who know me well will understand what I mean. Hehe I wear mommy's brand pyjamas all the time, and that's my only outfit during maternity break unless I need to go out.
My girl looked a bit "blurrr" in these two photos as she just woke up from her afternoon nap when the photos were taken. But that doesn't matter. What matters is there is a daddy, a mommy and a bb in the photo - we're happy TOGETHER!