Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Two Little "Kepo" Girls

BARNEY TV session on one fine afternoon.....

Jie Jie's concentrating on the show

Mei Mei's trying to find where the "ka chak ka chak" sound is from..

Both Jie Jie and Mei Mei is proven "kepo" in the end.. :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stop taking my photos!!

Mimi.. stop taking my photo.. you haven't dressed me up ma..
I dont wanna smile smile
I show you my tongue instead... Blek!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Growing Years

Chia Chia is very cheeky these days. She likes to make "ugly" faces, pull her dresses, wave bye-bye and laugh without reasons. Spending time with her always brightens up my day. However she's too pampered by papa sometimes and hence become naughty. Papa plays with her a lot with all kinds of toys and even carries her up-side-down...
I must admit that babies nowadays are very smart. They know how to grab attention especially with their parents. Take my girl as an example: she could be playing happily in the playpen one second ago without making noise; but the moment she sees her papa or me passing by - she would be so "olo" (manja) and cry non-stop so we would carry her eventually.
Well, we are still waiting for Chia Chia to utter her first word. Watching you grow is such a pleasant experience, Chia; and we'll be with you for sure to witness every milestone along the way!

The Best Birthday Gift

This year, I had a BEST birthday gift ~~
I had my precious sweetie to celebrate with me!