Sunday, August 22, 2010

1st Pool Fun ^_^

In the first 10 minutes, she screams and cries like mad. She doesn’t seem to like water. We coaxed her into the pool with lots of toys but that didn’t work as well. In the end mimi had to carry this little princess into the pool together. And there she is - enjoying the splash for the next 20 minutes!

Friday, August 6, 2010

E-Chia is a BIG GIRL now

It's been quite some time since mimi last uploaded your pictures here. Mimi just reliased how quick you've grown.. from a tiny little baby to a "big" girl now. Your hair has started to grow longer (hehe finally), you can walk a couple of steps without support, you take your own bottle (opps just the water bottle but not the milk bottle; mimi wonders why..), you've got gigi (even that's just the two bottom ones) and you start to communicate!
Mimi hears lots of complaints about you every day especially when mimi is at home. Everyone that has taken care of you before agrees that you are naughtier when papa and mimi is around. Guess you're already smart enough to recognize people now and hence often show "pityful" or "wanting-to-be-carried" face when we're around. You will throw a little tantrum when your request is not granted. But then again, we're also the luckiest people to be able to see your enchanted smiles most of the times.
Chia no matter how big you've grown, you are still mimi's little BABY.. forever!