Saturday, September 29, 2012

Turkey Rocks! ~ May 2012

I don't wanna FREN you!

Chia is very unfriendly when it comes to strangers or people she is not familiar with. Even with Ah Po and Ah Kong who she sees every weekend, she has never smiled or called them when she first arrives their house. She would stick to mami and papa only. Not sure if I should count this a blessing as there are so many criminal incidents involving young kids nowadays. This is a common emotion-less look and mami shall capture this in your blog to show you when you've grown. :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunflower Girls

Beautiful sunflower dresses bought by yi-yi during her trip to Paris in July 2012. As usual, little models are in-action!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Turkish Dress

It has become a habit; that I will buy dresses for Chia and Xuen whenever going traveling. A lot of times when I brought the dresses back, they do not really suit our weather in Malaysia however every time they "parade" with these dresses (with my sis as photographer), they never failed to put a BIG smile on my face!