Thursday, December 24, 2009

Remembering Gong Gong

My beloved Gong Gong passed away on 21 dec 2009 due to heart attack. I'll never forget the way he smiles and carries me. Gong Gong was so familiar with all my stuffs; where the clothes and napkins are placed, how often the mattress cover and pillow covers are changed, when was my last feeding and when's next, what I wanted with my facial expression - hungry, sleepy or wanting to play and there are so much more. Even my name in Chinese (Yi4 Jia1) was given by Gong Gong. I know life will surely be different now but glad that Gong Gong spent much wonderful times with me and my cousins earlier. The sweet memories and Gong Gong's loving face will always remain in our hearts.
May Gong Gong rest in peace... I LOVE GONG GONG FOREVER!

Papa & Mimi's Hong Kong trip 12.12.09 - 16.12.09

Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Outing

Papa and mimi brought Chiachia to Sunway Pyramid on 28 November 2009 and this marks our first official outing! I do not intend to bring her to public places at first, not until she’s one year old. But well, we couldn’t resist the temptation of year-end-sale; plus we would also like to show her the magnificent christmas decoration. We planned our trip in the evening so we could only spend maximum several hours at the mall.

Our first stop was Secret Recipe, where we had noodles and all-time favorite walnut choc brownies. Oh and Chia made friends with a little girl (aged four) sitting next to our table – Alia. Alia and her family of 5 were hailing from Seattle for holidays. Alia’s parents are friendly people and we shared some interesting stories on parenthood. Not forgetting to promote our country, we suggested a couple of tourist attractions and famous theme parks in Malaysia too as their children love fun activities.

Moving on to the second stop, papa went for a hair cut while mimi and Chiachia look-see casually at the mall. There were lots of people; partly because of school holiday and partly because of the sale and upcoming christmas celebration, where it’s the time to get some gifts for our loved ones. Chia was surprisingly alert and busy looking here and there for colourful blinking stuffs....
Next, papa joined us back and we went for few clothing outlets/boutigues before calling it a day. Even though we didnt manage to buy anything, the wonderful time spent with our girl makes the trip worth while and of course – priceless!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Zzz Sleeping vs Awake :O)


Look at this baby.. aiyo dont look like a "lady" at all. If your future boyfriend sees this, mimi's sure he'll run away!! Hee.. this is to show you how you sleep most of the time. You'll turn here and there; kick away your blanket; and squeeze to one corner in the playpen sometimes. Still, mimi cannot bear to wake you up or re"position" you seeing how peacefully you Zzzz. Perhaps you're meeting your prince charming in the wonderful dreamland...


This is the playful side of you when you're awake. You like to turn yourself to a crawling position and look at things. You'll laugh when papa makes funny faces/sounds and when mimi sings song. We feel so moved and contented everytime you smile. It's like a medicine when we're sick and a booster when we're weak. You never failed to brighten our days... Baby you're the greatest GIFT to us thus far!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Papa where are you?

My girl is very k-po (busybody) lately. She'll turn to look at people, noice, tv and whatever things that attract her. See the proof here (pic) - she was resting at her bouncing net at first but then turned 180' degree to check out what her papa's doing. Ka-chak ka-chak (aiyo papa's taking pictures la......)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Single Eyelid @ 21 weeks

Hey my baby.... you are having single eyelids! Hmm... doesn't look like papa or mimi wor... Well some people said the eyelids will change (from single to double; or from double to single; or maintain) when babies get bigger. Oh a little secret to reveal here.. When mimi was small, I was wondering why lou dao and mami (your gong gong and ah ma) are both having double eyelids but sis (your yee yee) has somehow not very big eyes. You know what.. one fine day your ah ma finally told us that she went for a small surgery to fix her eyelids (to become double) during her teenage days. Haha so that proves in fact we have "single" gene history in our family tree too!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chia's First Trip back HOME

On 17 Oct, we brought E-Chia back home for the first time. Oh I am referring to our own house at Kota Kemuning. I spent the whole pregnancy here so I guess she would be familiar with our cozy little cottage. And yet, hubby and I still prepared a small "surprise" a day before to welcome our princess. There you go... BALLOONS.. lots of them! Well, we're afraid the balloon would burst so just took few pictures and quickly carried her away. :)
She cried non-stop on the first day before sleep. Poor baby.. must be missing her usual bb cot and "bao bao" (small pillow, which she always hugs at her grandparents' place). Luckily she managed to sleep later with her papa patting and consoling her. She got better and behaved well the next day, thank god. Looks like we need to bring her here more frequently in the future!

My 1st Reading Experience

“ABCDEFG... HIJKLMNOP.. QRS..TUV..WXYZ...”.. Yay finally I can read.. hehe “pretend” to be reading actually. On this very blissful morning, mimi gives me the soft cloth book to play with. The colourful book caught my attention the moment I saw it. I didnt know how to flip the pages, (not many though) so mimi helped me and read me the caterpillar story. But I’ve been very cooperative too! I hold the book nicely as requested so mimi can take a couple of shots to post online.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Botak Head

At week 18, mimi brought me to shave my hair bald. I had very little hair previously, therefore there's not much difference if you can see in the above "before & after" pictures. Hopefully my hair can grow faster from now on. Otherwise mai po (papa's aunty) always comments that I look like a boy boy. Huh!

My beloved Gong Gong

Besides papa and mimi, I spend the most time with gong gong. You can imagine how gong gong sayang me by looking at his kind smile. He carries me without hesitation every time I make noise. Though I have to share gong gong with cousin bros and sis, I dont mind at all because gong gong is ever HAPPY and CHEERY with all of us surrounding him...

~I love gong gong very much!~

(-: Happy Family :-)

See the colour combination for the three of us - all red! (I consider pink in red category too). Well, even though my girl wears soothing pink and not as bright as her papa and mimi,
she's still the **STAR** in our eyes!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Flip over @ 16 weeks

My girl successfully flipped over at 4 months... after many attempts.. finally! Thus we have to keep an eye on her every now and then. A minute ago we could have just placed her at sleeping position in her play pen; minutes after she would be making noise because she's stucked after turning over. She does not know how to turn back yet so would be exhausted supporting herself after some times. Well, the journey has just started.. mimi look forward to seeing you crawl, walk, hop and even run in no time!

Friday, September 18, 2009

You are my SUNSHINE..

You are my Sunshine..
My only Sunshine..
You make me HAPPY
When skies are grey..
You'll never know, dear..
How much I love you..
Please don't take my SUNSHINE away..

Life is amazing with you around, my cutie ChiaChia. Even though it's tough to juggle between work and take care of you at the same time, mimi does not have the slightest thought of sending you away (to babysitter or other care takers). Mimi just wants you to be near, be around and so we could have the greatest bonding on earth...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


This is my first photo session with Shyuan meimei... We share the same mattress and rather similar facial expressions too! Well, I look happier because I just had milk and she hasn't yet... I LOVE meimei and we're gonna be best play mates ever!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Flip Flip.... not over!

I happen to be at home on 11 Sept and witness the below episode... :-)

".... Mimi's here... It's ok sweetheart.. we try again next day ya.. mimi sayang..... :* "
... to be continued

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our 1st family photo

It took me 3+ months to come up with our FIRST family photo.. shame on me! This is partly due to either papa or mimi holding the camera and partly due to me not properly "dressed" at home. Those who know me well will understand what I mean. Hehe I wear mommy's brand pyjamas all the time, and that's my only outfit during maternity break unless I need to go out.
My girl looked a bit "blurrr" in these two photos as she just woke up from her afternoon nap when the photos were taken. But that doesn't matter. What matters is there is a daddy, a mommy and a bb in the photo - we're happy TOGETHER!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Shyuan's Full Moon

We arranged a party for little Shyuan at home on 30 Aug. Time flies... she’s now 1 month old already! Cute and ‘loud’ as ever, Shyuan was cheery the whole night. The happiest people would be my parents as they had chance to catch up with relatives and friends again. They are now proud grandparents of FOUR (Yiming, Yifan, E-Chia & Yishyuan). My mother always tells people that our house can be a nursery because the kids are all around during the day. Well, that keeps my lou dao occupied too! Gong gong pampers the kids the most so he's always the no. ONE character in their hearts.
May all be blessed with love, happiness and good health!
Long Life Gong Gong!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

@ Blek Blek Blek @

This is my girl's latest expression. See how playful she is..!! Arrghhh....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flu Flu go away

On 25 Aug, my girl was down with flu (for the first time). She had running nose, sneezing and a little cough. I believe she got the sickness from her cousin brother, who likes to play with her a lot. Then again, I did not want to take risk due to the H1N1 pandemic so she was brought to see doctor. Thank god she's recovering after taking the prescribed medicine. Poor baby... she's just barely 3 months old!

Papa and mimi hope you will be fine and be in pink of health forever!

E-Chia's FULL Moon

This was my first "outing" since born.
Yeah it was my FULL MOON celebration arranged by papa. Papa and mimi invites just family and relatives to share their joy at one famous chinese restaurant in Subang. Although it was a small occasion, mimi has started preparing me one week earlier. She 'ransacked' the clothes drawer hoping to get me a more presentable baju. This was because first, I didnt have much baju that time - I wore mostly koko's old baju; and second, new bajus (if any) given by friends are too big for my tiny little body that time. We settled with one lovely pink dress at last. :D
Mimi and gong gong was also busy packing my stuffs before heading to the restaurant. Stroller, diaper, feeding bottle, cold water, hot water, milk powder, spare outfit, pacifier, wet tissue... you name it.. they're all in my baby bag! It was just a few hours event but mimi took as much time as she prepares for a usual 2-day trip.
Well, a note to end with.. my full moon dinner was full of LOVE, FUN & LAUGHTERS!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Precious Gifts @--,'-------

A big THANK YOU to gong gong, ah ma, yee yee, ah tio, uncle, aunty, koko & jie jie for all the lovely gifts!

~~Baby E-Chia~~

Sweetie @ 12 weeks

Coming to the third month, you are starting to SMILE a lot... It's such an enjoyment looking at you at all times. Mimi will start working soon so cant spend much time playing with you already, my love. But mimi will not neglect you and will definitely continue to witness each milestone you achieve in your growing years. Be strong, be happy and be ready to face the challenges!! Papa and Mimi will support you all the way...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bubble Time

My girl likes to bathe; she loves to bathe! I guess all babies like playing with water. She kinda look forward to the pom pom session every day. No matter how bad mood she is in, she'll show us great big smiles when we put her in the water. I am glad that I am able to handle her now even at bath. At first I was so scared I would accidentally drop her in the water or hurt her. Well, practice makes perfect and I wanna also thank mama for teaching me to bathe my girl right after my confinement ends!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


There goes my poo poo photos!

Initially papa and mimi let me poo poo in my diaper on the table. It was a little messy and papa wasted lots of tissue those times. Then, ah ma bought a potty for me. I "requested" for a pink colour one but ah ma said the shop didn't have. So she got me a small yellow potty. Hmm... I made sour face at first but later got used to the potty; and poo poo moment is so much FUN thereafter!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Xiao ketot

"Xiao KETOT" is the nick Papa always call you.. just because you're 0.5cm shorter than Shyuan Shyuan Meimei when born. Well, that makes you the shortest among four kids.. (three from my sis)
"Papa dont laugh at me ma... next day I'll become a supermodel! Huh!"

Chubby KoKo

Yifan Koko a.k.a. Chubby likes to disturb me when I sleep. He does not talk but likes to play with me near my cot. Oh that's his baby cot actually when he's small. "Okie dont peep already.. I see you!!.... just let me Zzzzzz ya...."