Monday, November 23, 2009

Zzz Sleeping vs Awake :O)


Look at this baby.. aiyo dont look like a "lady" at all. If your future boyfriend sees this, mimi's sure he'll run away!! Hee.. this is to show you how you sleep most of the time. You'll turn here and there; kick away your blanket; and squeeze to one corner in the playpen sometimes. Still, mimi cannot bear to wake you up or re"position" you seeing how peacefully you Zzzz. Perhaps you're meeting your prince charming in the wonderful dreamland...


This is the playful side of you when you're awake. You like to turn yourself to a crawling position and look at things. You'll laugh when papa makes funny faces/sounds and when mimi sings song. We feel so moved and contented everytime you smile. It's like a medicine when we're sick and a booster when we're weak. You never failed to brighten our days... Baby you're the greatest GIFT to us thus far!