Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Campbell Kids

From left: Yi Shyuan . Yi Fan . Yi Ming . E-Chia

Yi Shyuan a.k.a. Shyuan Shyuan - the youngest but the loudest in the family. She's 7+ months and laugh a lot (see the proof in this photo). Everyone likes to pinch her rosy cheek. :)
Yi Fan a.k.a. Pan Pan - the most stubborn kid in the family. He desires for attention after the two mei mei were born. However he's the most considerate child as he let people take his seats, he does not forget mei mei when going out and many more. My heart melts everytime I look at his "innocent" face and then give in.
Yi Ming a.k.a. Koko - the most cheeky kid in the family. Koko is like a small adult in the house. He helps to take things when ordered and especially like drawing and playing with water. He's the first to come out with all the "monkey" stunts, which eventually followed by the rest.
E-Chia a.k.a. Yi Chia - the most "hong bao cong" (si manja) in the family. Though we remind each other not to pamper her too much, she always managed to con papa and mimi and kakak into her tricks. The result - she gets bao bao (carried) most of the times!