Friday, November 5, 2010

Pearl of the Orient @ 5-7 Nov

Chia and Xin Yin Jiejie - aren't they look alike just like sisters; with similar gestures and expression.. :)

Chia and Jing Ren Koko - not much "sparks" in the beginning but it's too soon to comment about the potential "chemistry" between them. Haa!

Here we go - only several photos; however they are sufficient enough to describe how a wonderful trip we had in Penang with the warm hospitality showered by Pei Yee Yee and family. It was Chia's first trip apart from Malacca route (to popo and ah gong's house), which usually takes about 1.5 hours. The journey in the car was rather smooth with Chia sleeping most of the time (thank god!). Though she's not familiar and acted a little reserved at first, she has become cheery especially with the companion of lovely jiejie and koko in no time!
"Thank you Pei Yee Yee for all the treats and look forward to visiting mimi's hometown again!"
~ E-chia